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​Contact Us: 407-952-5182

Support a dreamer’s dream, and he will be free of nightmares. Give a map to the adventurous, and he will find his way. Value potentials, you will never have a shortage of wealth.  The enabler hinders, but who mentors, sow and cultivate seeds of greatness. There is no community without a foundation, something greater than any tangible goods, powerful enough to hold us together during crisis. We are a Foundation that encourages leads and empowers. Let's join our artistry, our innovativeness, our vision to build a resourceful community. 

The black beans project.
Twice a year we harvest the black beans in Haiti specially in Mirebalais (Plato Central). Between November and March, between April an July.  The black beans contains fiber, potassium, Folate, vitamin B6, and Phytonutrient content, coupled with its lack of cholesterol, all support heart health. The fiber in black beans helps lower the total amount of cholesterol in the blood and decrease the risk of heart disease.
This project is a small corporation between the farmers and the organization where we supply a portion of the product needed to plant.

Salon du livre de mirebalais
Mirebalais Book Fair


Water Purification Project-in Haiti

  With two thirds of the earth's surface covered by water and the human body consisting of 75 percent of it, it is evidently clear that water is one of the prime elements responsible for life on earth. Water circulates through the land just as it does through the human body, transporting, dissolving, replenishing nutrients and organic matter, while carrying away waste material. Further in the body, it regulates the activities of fluids, tissues, cells, lymph, blood and glandular secretions.

Our drinking water today, far from being pure, contains some two hundred deadly commercial chemicals. Add to that bacteria, viruses, inorganic minerals etc.

Imagine our poisonous water is in a third world country, where a bottle of water is selling for the cost of a meal. Do they really have a choice when drinking those contaminated water.

Helps us build a filtered water reservoir that will help a whole community of hundreds of people.  

Click here to support this project

Haitian family has been established in central Florida for more than a decade. They are hard worker, family oriented, faith based oriented. But the real dilemma they are facing is their own children. How do you raise your child in a culture where your daily living is your first challenge to keep up with? How do you educate your children when language appears to be an issue, when spending quality time with your family sometimes fall under another category than being a priority?

Some of you may ask, what is a mentor? Why do I need one for my child? What should I expect?
Those questions have been asked so many times and will continue to be asked.

The Mentor-ship Program will support and assist with encouragement and empowerment to overcome life's challenges, realize dreams and visions.

Our Mentor-ship program

Hurricane relief action

Lekòl anba Tonèl/ School under the trees

According to the World Bank in 2013, 50 percent of the children in Haiti do not attend school. Approximately 30% of those children attending primary school will not make it to third grade, and 60% will abandon school before sixth grade.

According to USAID in 2015 Haiti’s literacy rate is 61% – 64% for males and 57% for females. The average literacy rate for Latin American and Caribbean developing countries is 92%. 

Instead of asking people to travel to go school. The school will travel to go to them. We will keep it as simple as possible to meet them wherever they want to. We will create an appropriate educational setting where they can learn out of a traditional way of learning. 

Stanley Dovilas, one of the Teacher
School under the trees
School under the trees
School under the trees
School under the trees

Help us Build this School


Don't miss out press conference to celebrate National Senior Citizens Day, alot of information will be giving out.

Sunday August 20th, Bistro Paradise Resto. 2868 Wilshire Dr, Orlando FL-32818

Call Us:


Anderson Dovilas Foundation, INC.

is 501c(3) Non-profit Organization

EIN: 81-3193316

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